[guitar music playing ]
[speaker 1] Each and every day Boise State Employees arrive to serve our campus mission. The morning hours welcome our day staff while we wish our night employees well as they are heading home. It’s amazing how our campus consistently fills and flows with staff and students at all hours. It can sometimes feel that our institution never sleeps. The pulse of our metropolitan research university of distinction is an amazing sight to behold.
[speaker 2] One of the unique things about working here is how we touch every single thing through shared governance. How a landscape technician creates beauty to our campus setting, which then affects the visual experience of anyone visiting our campus. It starts a chain of events with people continually sharing their Boise State experiences with all they come in contact with.
[speaker 3] There is a belief here in the power of every person doing great things every single day. By having the right people working at Boise State, unlimited positive things happen repeatedly. The environment is what brings out the greatness in people and if you get the environment right, every single one of us has the capacity to do things right over and over.
[Larry Newton: Director of Corporate Support Boise State Public Radio] There’s always a lot going on. There’s a lot of activity. I’m part of a great team. There’s always a lot to do and everybody works hard to get the job done. It’s a very diverse culture. It’s a very open-minded culture. I mean, I think people always want to be talking about new ideas and new ways to do things and can we do things better, and I think that’s really important. It’s hard work but it’s a lot of fun.
[Speaker 4] Working in education is experiential and the best part of working at Boise State is the feeling that what you bring to the table has contributed to something greater than yourself and in that way you are changing the world. I love my role in making that happen.
[Speaker 3] An employee that feels appreciated will always do more than is expected. Boise State is where I learned about a complete investment in my career. I don’t show up to prove, I show to improve in everything I do.
[Spencer Kelly: Assistant to the Dean] My favorite part of the job would definitely be my my co-workers and my supervisors. I work with an amazing team and we all have different strengths. The University definitely actively promotes professional development and further education of all its employees. I mean you can see that in the tuition waiver and all of the different professional development opportunities that are offered to the staff.
[speaker 5] Boise State is where I lost “I”, “me” and “my” and gained “we”, “together” and “us”. By turning colleagues into collaborators is where my recipe for success continues to thrive.
[speaker 6] It’s about the students, the work in the community, it’s beyond just me. If we don’t create and uphold a great culture every single day, somewhere else will.
[speaker 3] You are surrounded by people who love working with others, they are curious problem solvers at their jobs and are up for any type of challenge.
[speaker 7] The employee work ethic amazes me. It’s the little things, it’s about connecting on a human level with our campus partners. It’s about my individual commitment to keep the campus clean or about helping visitors find a building by personally walking them there.
[speaker 8] One of our campus philosophies is the belief in collaboration. We believe that one of the best places to invent our future is away from our desk, working with our campus partners to improve our University.
[speaker 6] Competence is all about knowing more than you did yesterday and we do this by creating fewer rules and more trust within our teams.
[Abby Lachancecunningham: Bookstore Custom Insignia Coordinator] I love watching a game day because I go and I’m like, I printed all of those shirts, I touched every hand and every one there. It’s really rewarding to see all that hard work and see it in this giant arena. I also believe that it gives back to the students because they get a better quality coming from my department, because I’m a little more picky than some other people would be.
[guitar music grows louder]
[text appears] “Individually and collectively we impact our students”
[student walks forward and text appears] “Boise State Student”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Helps provide accessible, high-quality health care to students and staff”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Provides students with resilient, lifelong study habits”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Connects student aspirations to be community and health focused”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Ensures books are affordable and available for classes”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Provides guidance in understanding degree options that positively impact student success”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Models the definition of kindness through service”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Oversees student advising, ensuring students graduate on time”
[Boise State employee walks forward and text appears] “Keeps campus lit and safe for night-class students and staff”
[everyone standing in a line and text appears] “Every student matters. Every employee matters. Together, we are Boise State. “
[Boise State logo appears, guitar music fades fade to black]